In Dining Out, Family Time, Travel/Arizona

Before the Covid lockdown hit back in March, my family had plans to visit Medieval Times in Scottsdale. We were kicking off Spring Break with the feasting and merriment and we were so excited. Then just two days before our scheduled visit, we were notified the castle had to close due to the pandemic. While I really appreciated their initiative to keep their staff and guests safe and healthy, you can only imagine our extreme disappointment.

We counted down the days all spring and summer and our visit as soon as Medieval Times opened gave us a little bit of hope during those long, boring lockdown days.

Finally! It happened Medieval Times in Scottsdale re-opened and we couldn’t wait to get there. And they are going above and beyond all expectations to make sure everyone stays safe and still has a fabulous time. We certainly did!

My family has been particularly careful and cautious during these times. We are not going out as often as we sued to and we are very selective about the places we do visit. I definitely did my research about the precautions Medieval Times were taking and felt comfortable that they were taking safety and health seriously. The measure they have put in place really impressed me!

Before entering the castle everyone must have their temperature checked. Once cleared to enter you’re welcomed into festive fanfare!

Social distancing is important and everyone from guests to staff were mindful of respecting the guidelines. There is also hand sanitizer all around and the staff wears both masks and safety shields.

Tables to enjoy drinks and relax before the show are spaced out. Guests are invited to enter the arena by their seating areas to avoid crowding and guests are seated with their own groups with a minimum of six feet apart from other guests. Masks are mandatory until you are seated in the arena and anytime you leave your seats.

My family felt safe from the moment we arrived until we left. All the safety measures and precautions were so appreciated and allowed us to relax and enjoy our visit.

The show was very entertaining. A pageantry of gorgeous horses, a falcon soaring, a friendly, competitive joust and a little drama for some extra flair. Our daughter and her friend loved every second and it was good to see them enjoying themselves being kids and having fun.

The feast was surprisingly delicious! Sanitizing wipes are provided in the places settings so you can clean up before you dig in. The first course was a steamy bowl of tomato soup served with garlic toast. The main course included a half of a juicy roasted chicken, seasoned roasted potato half and a buttery cob of corn. Everything was delicious and fun to eat because there are no utensils! Guests slurp the soup right out of the bowl and tear into the chicken with their fingers. It’s messy but all part of the experience! Don’t worry because more wipes are provided as well as a warm moist towelette. After you clean up a cup or ice cream with caramel sauce is delivered and for that you do get a spoon. It was a sweet treat to a great meal!

If you’re planning a visit to Medieval Times rest assured they are doing it right and keeping everyone safe. My family had such a great time and look forward to visiting again.

Thank you Medieval times for caring about your staff and the community.

Medieval Times Scottsdale is located at 9051 East Vía de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Disclaimer: My family received a complimentary visit to Medieval Times in exchange for this post. All opinions are entirely my own. 

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