In All About Jax, Celebrations, Family Time

Today you are seven years old. I am not sure how that is even possible, seven years gone by, seven years of chaos and bliss and feeling like the luckiest person on the planet because I was chosen to be your mama.

Your birthday never gets easier for me. I am, of course, always excited to celebrate you — but my heart aches a little more with each passing year; I prayed for years for you to come to us and now it’s going by way too fast. You are 7!!!

My promise to you on your 7th birthday is to do my best to make every year count, make every year memorable and special. I promise to give you a splendid childhood – you deserve nothing less.

My sweet Jacquelyn, you are everything I dreamed you would be, from your gorgeous face to your sassy sweetness. You are quite literally, a dream come true and that makes you absolutely perfect in my eyes.

Every day you amaze me with your confidence, resilience, and ability to forgive. You are such a strong girl and your heart is golden. You are sunshine in human form, bringing light and warmth to everyone you meet. You are everyone’s friend and I love that you are always inclusive and kind. You are sassy and stubborn and defiant and although that can get frustrating it’s one of my favorite things about you, I know above all your other attributes that will be what takes you the farthest. That and your confidence, never could I think a child so young could have your kind of confidence. It is what makes people take notice of you, it makes you stand out. It makes you special. It makes you Jax.

You are amazing, baby girl, and today you are seven. Oh, how I wish I could turn back time, slow the days down and have more time with you at every age – because you are perfect!

But how lucky am I, that I get to guide you, teach you, love you, cheer you on, pick you up, be your mommy.

Happy birthday, my beautiful Jacquelyn. You are my favorite and you are my best.

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