In Reviews

Every month we attend an event, hosted by Parents As Partners for Early Success (PAP), that helps families promote learning and reading to their young children. PAP puts on several events throughout the month and breaks them up in two age groups, birth-2 years and 3-5 years. The events offer age appropriate activity stations that make learning fun and creative for the kiddos. Activities include arts and crafts, a nutrition station, arts and science and music and movement, all themed around a book that is read during story-time. The kids walk away with a few books, developmental toys and an activity calendar to keep them busy throughout the month. A free pack of diapers is given to all in attendance at the end. All free. And very fun!

We have loved attending these events since Jax was about 4 months-old. Recently, we learned that the program likely isn’t going to return after this month due to grant funding being allocated elsewhere. This is heartbreaking news. Truly, I cant say enough about how AMAZING this program is and how sad we are to see it go!

Please “like” PAP on Facebook and find out how you can help try to bring this wonderful program back next year. At very least like their page because they are going to continue to assist families through Facebook with monthly activity calendars and ideas on how to make reading and learning a fun priority.


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