In Recipes


I saw the coolest cake in Food Network magazine, a molcajete of guacamole complete with cherry “tomatoes’ and cinnamon sugar chips for dipping. It was darling and so in honor of Cinco de Mayo I decided to make it. With a 10 month-old baby shrieking every few minutes it became an all-day process but the end results were pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

Take a look.

The belles of the bowl (get it?): Boxed cake mix, Oreo cookies, vanilla ice cream, food coloring, chocolate frosting, and cinnamon candies for the tomatoes (the instructions called for candied cherries, which I couldn’t find, so I made do).


Make the cake according to package directions. Bake in an oven-safe bowl and cupcake liners. My bowl was smaller than called for but it still worked. And I made 6 cupcakes, instead of 3 with the extra batter, just in case.   Note: Duncan Hines was the only brand that came in the size that the recipe called for.


The cupcakes baked in 16 minutes and the bowl cake took 45 minutes at 350 degrees.


While the cakes baked I crushed 15 Oreos in the food processor. Note: The instructions called for 12 but my cake was smaller than it should have been (smaller bowl) and I still could have used more than the 15.



After the cakes have cooled (at least 45 minutes), remove the center to make a well for the “guac”, then frost the top and sides of the bowl cake and pat with the cookie crumbs. Freeze for an hour then frost the bottom and attach the 3 cupcakes to the bottom. Frost and crumb those as well. Refrigerate.


Allow ice cream to soften by leaving it on counter for about 15 minutes. Instructions called for a mixture of colors to get “guac” green: 14 drops of green, 8 drops of yellow and 2 drops of red. The color still wasn’t right so I had to adjust accordingly. Note: The recipe calls for a pint of ice cream but I used half of a 1/2 gallon tub…umm…1/4 gallon.


When the ice cream is the right color, add in the candied cherries, or in my case the cinnamon candies and mix. Put in the well made in the bowl cake and add cinnamon chips to garnish.

CUTE!! No?



If you have a fiesty baby who (loudly) demands mommy’s attention, simply plop said baby into a bouncer, walker, play yard, etc. and sing a silly song and dance a funny jig while baking, frosting, assembling. If this doesn’t work, hand the baby tyrant an Oreo. Work quickly before Oreo is devoured or thrown on the floor…or at you.


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